Immortal Regiment - People's Memory, Bashed across decades


Immortal Regiment - People's Memory, Bashed across decades 14625_1

For the first time, the action "Immortal Regiment" took place on the day of the 70th anniversary of the victory over Nazism. The scale of this event was unprecedented. Over all of Russia, more than 12 million people came to the streets to give tribute to everyone who fought on the victory on the fronts, worked in the rear or was a prisoner of fascist camps. According to the organizers of the action, its main goal is a personal memory.

How it all began

The history of the emergence of the "immortal regiment" could be considered a mystical if it were not so real. In early May 2007, the head of the Council of Veterans of the Tyumen Region Gennady Ivanov saw sleep: fellow countrymen, which go through the city avenue, and in their hands they have portraits of veterans. On the day of Victory, he took a photo of his father and with his friends who supported his mental impulse, passed on the festive avenue of Tyumen. This procession found the support of the townspeople, and next year, a whole column was already a whole column for the day of victory in Tyumen. Then the campaign was called the "Winners" parade. After 2 years, such shares have already passed in two dozen Russian regions. And 2012, the initiative was called "Immortal Regiment". Already in 2013, N. Namtsov and V. Lanovova became the initiators of the procession on a positive grief in the capital. In 2017, half a million people were held on the streets of the first pilots with portraits of Frontovikov, half a million people were held, among them V. Putin, who was a portrait of his father. Kaliningrad, Tyumen, St. Petersburg, Vladivostok, Sevastopol, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk - Action "Immortal Regiment" was held in 1200 Russian cities and more than 12 million people took part in it. And although in the West, this procession was not shown, it is known that thousands of people have become parties in two dozen countries of abroad who remember that terrible war and do not want to repeat it.

"Immortal Regiment" in St. Petersburg

In the Northern Capital in 2017, the "immortal regiment" collected more than half a million citizens. The procession began at the Suvorovsky Avenue at noon. Before the start of the march in Nevsky, a column of retro cars was held, on which veterans and those who survived the blockade were taken. And behind them went human column. People carried portraits of their fought relatives who could not live to do this day, flowers, sang songs. The event ended with a festive concert on the palace and salute.

How to become a member of the procession

Stand up in the ranks of those who honor the memory of their relatives who had the opportunity to survive the Great Patriotic War may anyone. You can always find out topical information on social networks in the thematic group of your city or by telephone hotline. And it is possible to assist the headquarters in the dissemination of information. All that is needed to pass in the ranks of the "immortal regiment" - a desire and a pillar with a photo, which can be done with your own hands. All that is necessary for this:
  1. Prepare a photo with which you plan to go to the procession, prepare it and print it.
  2. Buy or make a frame suitable in size.
  3. Attach a frame with a photo to the pipe.

Find a detailed video structure for the manufacture of a pillar with a photo on the website of the immortal regiment.

"Immortal Regiment" - 2018

Already at the beginning of the year in Russia and abroad, there is a preparation for the procession. It is known a stock this year for the third time will be held in Switzerland. Now the Organizing Committee in this country is actively collecting materials and prepares portraits and banners. Of course, this is the first-in-opinion our compatriots, and the residents of Switzerland are actively supported by them.

Shares will be held in many cities of Russia and abroad.

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