Treatment abroad


Treatment abroad 14622_1

One of the most important things in life is health. Feeling healthy, strong, full forces - the dream of every sensible person. What is the health? What factors affect this? Organizations and research offer different statistics, but the average numbers look like this:

  • 20% - heredity, genetics;
  • 20% - Ecology, Environment;
  • 40% - lifestyle;
  • 20% - quality and timeliness of medical treatment.

In the Russian Federation, unfortunately, there is no sufficiently developed health structure, and the main problems of domestic medicine are obvious:

  • insufficient funding from the state (and it decreases annually);
  • a shortage of qualified and experienced health workers in all areas;
  • Low quality service;
  • Unneveloped base of medical equipment.

It is not surprising that the average life expectancy of a person in Russia is one of the lowest in the world. That is why medical tourism is so developed in Russia, when citizens leave beyond the native country to correct health and get the right diagnosis and high-quality medical care. The treatment of cancer abroad, infertility, heart defects, and diseases of the central nervous system are particularly popular.

The most popular countries for medical tourism are Austria, Germany, Switzerland, USA and Israel. Israel for Russians a special advantage - for staying in the country up to 90 days, the visa is not required, only passport.

What are the benefits of Israeli medicine?

Israeli medicine is considered to be one of the most advanced in the world. Here are just some indicators and facts proving it:
  • The average life expectancy of the Israelis is 80 years for men (1st place in the world) and 84 years for women (3rd place in the world);
  • Medical insurance in the country is mandatory;
  • Health financing in Israel is very high;
  • In Israel's medical facilities, the latest equipment and high-quality drugs;
  • Israeli medical personnel is one of the most professional, experienced and competent in the world, since the system of medical education and advanced training here is very developed;
  • Medical service in the country at the highest level, ethics and medical mystery are strictly respected;
  • The huge proportion of medical research and inventions of the last decades falls on the scientific and medical centers of Israel and its first-class scientists;
  • Israel has achieved tremendous success and in the use of experimental, newest treatments for especially complex diseases.

Israel is a recognized leader in the treatment of various forms of cancer, infertility and gynecological diseases, heart disease and cardiovascular system, diseases of the central nervous system, nervous disorders, etc.

What are the disadvantages of Israeli medicine?

And this is even the shortcomings of the non-medical services themselves, but their organizations:

  • huge queues in public and private medical institutions;
  • Prices for services - they are relatively lower than in the United States or Europe, but still not every Russian can afford to be treated in Israel;
  • The lack of benefits for tourists, in some private medical institutions of privileges for foreigners there is still, but for it will have to be significantly overpacing.

Why is cancer better to treat in Israel?

Cancer is a diagnosis that is afraid to hear each. Cancer is one of the few diseases, in the fight against which modern medicine is still more often losing than wins, and some forms of cancer do not respond to any therapy.

Russian medicine is not competent and professional in order to ensure a high degree of remission and survival after this terrible disease and to maximize the suffering of patients as much as possible. Cancer treatment abroad - The urgent issue for Russians, and Israel is a undoubted leader in terms of calls to this diagnosis, an example of that private clinic of Assuta. The clinic annually takes about 10,000 foreign patients.

What are the benefits of cancer treatment in Israel?

  • extensive experience in the treatment of malignant tumors, including international;
  • highly qualified specialists;
  • advanced technologies for diagnosing cancer in the early stages;
  • The newest treatments and therapy methods.

Several clinics are engaged in the treatment of cancer in Israel, they are located in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv - the unlawful centers of Israeli medicine. The most famous of them:

  • Hadassa;
  • Ikhilov;
  • Shiba;
  • Assaf Arof;
  • Suras.

How exactly is cancer in Israeli clinics?

Cancer treatment in Israel implies several types of therapy. First of all, it is, of course, surgical intervention, and with minimal invasion. But other methods are also developed: radiation therapy, chemotherapy, experimental methods.

Alternative treatment is a new word in the fight against such a terrible disease as a malignant tumor. Israel succeeded in the successful introduction of experimental methods for the treatment of cancer, and actively uses them, coming individually to each patient.

Among these newest methods:

  • Immuno therapy and hormonal therapy are the most soft and conservative ways that can achieve remission or complete cancer cure;
  • Cyber ​​knife and nano-knife - unique technologies, where through special electrical pulses there is an active effect on cancer cells and their subsequent destruction.

Also, one of the most successful cancer treatment methods in Israel is a bone marrow transplant. This is the most complicated operation, and its implementation is possible only in the few clinics of the United States and Europe. Israel works in this direction very successfully.

Treatment in Israel is expensive and financially, and in time, and psychologically. In addition, it will have to make a lot of documents that will be allowed to leave abroad and be treated away from home. Not everyone will decide on such an adventure, but when human life is on horseback - it is worth thinking.

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