How to issue an interest-free loan: Possible options


How to issue an interest-free loan: Possible options 14557_1

It is an opinion that it is not profitable to use loans, since to return the bank or another lender accounts for a much more received. But there are ways that help find credit proposals with minimal overpayment. The best option will be an interest-free loan, that's just many doubt the existence of such a product.

Today there are several options to get an interest-free loan and first of all it is worth paying attention to special cards that allow you to pay for services and goods, and then pay for one year. Such cards are called "conscience" and have not yet become too common in Russia. The disadvantage of such cards is that it will be used only if the store is a partner of the Bank that has issued such installments. Analogue "Conscience", is a map with the name "Halva".

A variety of interest-free loan is credit cards with an activated preferential period. In this case, use the Bank's funds, and not pay for it, you can not long. The grace period usually does not exceed 60 days. Choosing this option among the proposals on, it is important to learn how to correctly calculate the beginning of the reference period, because it is not always a counting begins from the day when the owner of the card took advantage of the funds from the credit limit.

Sellers may lure customer to themselves, offering interest-free installments. They are all so color painted, carry out calculations in the presence of the client. Everything is done so quickly and competently that even the most incredulous do not have time to calculate everything, carefully think about and agree that the loan is interest-free. But it turns out that the cost of the goods acquired under the program of interest-free lending is somewhat overestimated. The difference between the real value of the goods and the amount paid by the client is sent to the Bank as interest on the loan.

Interestable loans can be offered by some car salons. Proposals are very attractive, and not always a borrower in this case soberly conducts a credit program assessment, wanting to make a profitable acquisition. The catch of such proposals usually lies in the fact that it is necessary to immediately pay the initial contribution of the large size, to pay for various commissions and fees.

If you understand everything thoroughly, interest-free loans in reality does not happen. Programs, when the amount of acquisition is divided into several payments without overpayments, are called installments and, in fact, are a dexted marketing course, which today are actively used by financial organizations together with sellers. That's just such proposals are often sufficiently beneficial for borrowers, and therefore it is not necessary to refuse completely from their use.

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