Home dust causes the growth of fat cells and accumulation of triglycerides


Home dust causes the growth of fat cells and accumulation of triglycerides 14525_1

Home dust contains environmentally harmful substances that can contribute to the appearance of overweight. Lab experiments on the cell mouse model showed that certain substances stimulate the development of mature adipocytes and the accumulation of triglycerides. The results of the results of American scientists from the University of Duke (Durham, North Carolina), which conducted a study, published in the Journal of Environmental Science & Technology.

The authors Christopher Cassotic, Kate Hoffman and Heather Stapleton gathered home dust in 11 homes in their native state and experienced its action on mouse cells 3T3-L1. This cell line is a multiple-used adipocyte model with the properties of fat cells from animal tissue.

Only one of the collected samples did not affect living material in Petri Cup. Seven of the 11 samples caused the transformation of predadipocytes into mature adipocytes and triglyceride deposits. Nine samples stimulated the development of 3T3-L1 cells in fatter precursors. For this, there are already three dust micrograms. According to the American Environmental Protection Office, in the body of children daily through the respiratory tract, the mouth and skin falls 50 mg of the smallest dry particles. This is enough to get a dangerous dose of harmful substances.

It turns out to keep health, not to play sports and stick to the right nutrition. Those who suffer overweight choose which kefir is better to drink for weight loss, what to choose a diet or what exercises do. However, about the dangers of dust health, which is always at home, only allergies are conceived.

To identify key components that caused a negative effect, scientists investigated the samples for the presence of 44-substances. The most strong stimulants of the proliferation of adipocytes and the accumulation of a large number of triglycerides were dibutyl pleatelate (DBF), TBPDP anti-Praklostrobin pesticide.

Endocrine disrapists (ED), Takik as phthalates and bisphenol A, which are known to be contained in flame retardant means, plastics and softeners, affect the reproductive, immunological and neurological function of a person. In addition, animal research has proven that individual ED is able to cause excess weight in adulthood, if a person contacts these substances in childhood. Also in dust contained discharge, which affect fatty metabolism.

It is not yet known whether the results of laboratory studies on mouse cells can be transferred. However, they showed that softeners, pesticides and other alien to human body of the substance affect living cells, and therefore it can also be harmful to people.

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