How to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes


How to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes 14497_1

The very first wrinkles usually appear near the eye, and all because in this zone is very thin and delicate skin. There is a lot of cosmetics that help prevent the appearance of wrinkles and smooth out the existing ones. A lot of money and folk medicine.

The compositions that can be prepared independently for folk recipes are mostly based on the fact that the dry skin near the eye must be moistened. In the fight against wrinkles, essential oils and aloe are actively used. Perfectly with dryness copes Aloe Vera, for this it is necessary to squeeze the juice from a fresh cut sheet and smear the skin around the eyes. If such a plant is not among the room colors, you can purchase aloe juice or gel in pharmacies, with an aloe content of more than 90%. Such a gel can be used in pure form, and it is possible to make masks based on it.

As already mentioned, in the fight against wrinkles around the eyes, essential oils are well helped. A good choice for such a case will be almond oil, peach or apricot oil. A small amount of oil takes on a pillow of a finger and applied on the skin of the eyelids with light patches. To strengthen and accelerate the growth of eyelashes, you can use castor and burdow oil.

Cosmetics manufacturers offer a huge amount of means of wrinkles and special compositions for skin around the eyes. A large selection of cosmetics can be found at If the acquired cream does not give the desired result, you can try to acquire the composition of a different manufacturer or make your own wrinkle cream for popular recipes. The preparation procedure is not complicated. You need to take in equal amounts of sea buckthorn oil, cocoa butter and an oil solution of vitamin E. The resulting cream lubricates the eyelids. At the external corner, the composition should be fixed with waxing or parchment paper. After 15 minutes, the paper is removed, and the surplus of the cream is cleaned carefully with a napkin. Terminated area near the eye. It is best to use such a cream a couple of hours before sleep, several times a week.

You can deal with wrinkles near the eye using olive oil. You can make masks or conduct massage sessions. There are a lot of other folk recipes to combat wrinkles near the eyes, in which there are crumbs of wheat bread, honey, fresh cucumber, raw potatoes. If the use of folk medicine does not lead to due results, wrinkles do not disappear and do not become less famous, you will have to use modern methods, including laser grinding, Botox, Fillers.

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