"Transparent" buildings: Since 2018, builders go to BIM technology


Buildings with confusing schemes for communications will be tamed and go back to the past - this comments on new industry rules of the construction sphere. The pioneer in the assessment of digital projects will be Moscow: by the end of this year, the capital departments should be prepared for acceptance of new construction development in BIM-format.

The domainment information model (BIM) is a comprehensive planning of the structure not only at the project stage, but also for its further operation, and when the time comes - and to dismantle or demolish. And this is the most important difference from the usual 3D modeling - when only a virtual framework was created, and the whole "filling" of the building in practice was mounted "on the eye".

The consequences of liberal regulation in the construction market in the transition period 90s affect now. Urban corps-samostroins on the site of water pipes or with sewage discharge directly to the wells began, finally demolish. But millions of private cottages with homemade communications simply fell in price - guaranteed comfort is important to the competent owner.

Modern sectoral standards are just needed for the construction of convenient housing. The price and for the developer, and for the buyer is optimized by the use of innovative technologies, and it is easier to live or work in the "smart" house - domestic inconveniences during repair or accident are reduced to zero.

Until 2020, MinStroy Russia expects to complete the preparation of rules and standards for the transition to information models in all directions: roads, bridges, housing construction. Only by preliminary estimates, specialists have to recycle about 200 standards, taking into account the latest technologies and practical experience.

Many manufacturers of building materials, equipment or sewer systems will have to be disadvantaged. So far, in Russia, only a few, like Hutterer Lechner, launched the flow lines for the release of the full range of components just for BIM design. Such constructors are not only organically embedded in any diagram, but also acceptable for estimates when approved quality.

Full information on the offers of companies will allow architects to focus on a profitable solution - from the point of view of the cost, beauty and functionality of the building. So work in the European Bureau, where im became the urban planning norm - and the city is good, without conducting complex communal problems.

Simultaneously with the introduction of digitization, a type of projects will be formed, first on state orders. Benefits understood even in Soviet times - this is saving budget and ease of operation. For such a benefit, future homeowners from country villages are willing to pay: the cottage, thoughtful from the valve to the roof with a "transparent" floor plan will be a reliable investment.

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