Made in China: Is it always Fake - Chinese Fashion


Made in China: Is it always Fake - Chinese Fashion 13313_1

What is your first association when you see or hear the phrase Made in China? Apraksin Yard, TK "Smiling Okun", LLC "Shukhrat and partners", Boutique "Raisin with Oil" and Mountains of poor-quality clothes with fakes Louis Vuitton and Dolce & Gabbana?

We are in a hurry to dispel this myth and inform you that these ideas about the Chinese fashion have long been outdated. Asian girls managed to get the title of one of the most stylish in the world, report the news of Kyzylorda. After all, in addition to the conveyor production of cheap rags in China, there are private factories, authentic designers and handmade masters, which work at all other rules.

But even if we have previously guess that in China there are their talented and applying young designers who sew stylish and high-quality clothing, then how to find them and most importantly - to get this clothes, remained a mystery. After all, all their sites are only in Chinese and even in order to recognize the "buy" button, you will need a translator, not to mention registration and delivery.

Chinese fashion

Made in China: Is it always Fake - Chinese Fashion 13313_2

The main charm of the Chinese Fashion is in a constant experiment, a thin combination of Western and Eastern style. Chinese designers prefer more dresses and skirts of various lengths made mainly from natural fabrics. If we talk about the difference between Chinese designer clothes from other Asian countries, you can immediately safely say that Korean designers love to "fashion" in European; And if you see something absolutely crazy, colors and textures are a Japanese designer.

But, nevertheless, a lot and in common: Asian girls are almost all a small growth, so heels are a favorite shoe of every fashionista. In addition, oriental girls can not boast the puffity of the forms, so it is most often over-all is OVersize dresses, decorated with rhinestones, embroidery, beads and glass.


Once upon a time, when my love for the culture of hippies, beatlam and books about the eternal, I wanted to "shout" to me on the fact that inside. I went to eBay and rushed. I found a lot of vintage things of that time: Rastaman overalls, floral dresses, lace, checkered jackets and, of course, a large green Japanese suitcase. I continued to search and stumbled upon the site, similar in its structure with eBay.

I don't know the hieroglyphs, but somehow on the nate gradually began to navigate. Now the usual online translator helps me. I found a lot of interesting brands and decided to work with them directly, not through the site. Now in my Skype a lot of contacts, as well as a translator from the Chinese language and a colleague, which every time carefully checks all things to marry. But the search for new designers of tempters continue!


If we are talking about China's private factories and handmade masters, then prices are more than acceptable, sometimes even cheaper than buying a thing in the store. But if we talk about famous designers, such as Artka, Liebo, Imman, Elf Sack, there is still the price above average. Nevertheless, if you want a really beautiful thing made with love, you buy it for any money.


Made in China: Is it always Fake - Chinese Fashion 13313_3

- Since Asian girls have elegant fragile buildings, then the most running dimensions are XS, S, M. If this is a private factory of China, then be sure to ask all product parameters: perhaps it will be necessary to take a size more. If you buy a Chinese designer thing, then most likely the dimensions will be similar to European. But still always ask all the parameters. Everything is individually.


There are a lot of analogues of Chinese sites, so-called dealership sites who receive their commission for using their services. For example, such sites like Kupinatao, Alibaba - often the owners of such sites are the Chinese themselves. But, on the official Chinese website, you will never register without the help of a specialist - you will have a Chinese mobile phone for this. I understand that it is somehow connected with China's policies.

Made in China: Is it always Fake - Chinese Fashion 13313_4

And also recently, checked in Chinese customs. This is due to the rapid growth of customers from around the world. You can not transport cosmetics, food, easy beating products and some list of electrical equipment (I am now talking about the usual delivery, a specific client, say, the Russian Federation to a specific address). But since I love Chinese tea, Chinese turquoise cookies with smell of mint and Chinese herbs cosmetics, I decided to go around this moment: I found all products from Manchuria, who all products arrive at the warehouse, my Russian colleagues are taken by the Major's high-speed delivery service. to me. Thus, before me, things go for 2-3 weeks, and not 4-6 weeks, as when ordering through the site.

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