

Cynthia Bennett與他的傢伙一起,首先從Genry庇護所帶走。亨利非常喜歡高度和岩石,所以業主開始叫他的“山羊”。在亨利出現幾個月後,這對夫婦決定她想要另一隻寵物。他們開始了暹羅品種的甲基,並稱為小貓球。亨利和球立即成為朋友。然後整個公司他們開始旅行和領導Instagram。

Pony rides: the Henry + Baloo version

Публикация от Henry + Baloo (@henrythecoloradodog)

Brotherly love ❤️ • Blanket – @allkupets Their blankets are amazingly soft and they are all hand cut making every one unique

Публикация от Henry + Baloo (@henrythecoloradodog)

Our signature look: The Cat Hat

Публикация от Henry + Baloo (@henrythecoloradodog)

that monday feeling

Публикация от Henry + Baloo (@henrythecoloradodog)

snug as two bugs in a rug.

Публикация от Henry + Baloo (@henrythecoloradodog)

Mornings with my favorite crew, life sure is good

Публикация от Henry + Baloo (@henrythecoloradodog)
