# Instagramdnya: ọmọbirin ihoho ti wa ni ile Yoga


O kan diẹ ninu awọn isinmi ti isinmi. Ara ati awọn ẹmi. A nifẹ si instagram ihoho, ninu eyiti onkọwe naa di awọn fọto ti o gba awọn fọto ti awọn ọmọbirin ihoho miiran nigba kilasi yoga. O lẹwa pupọ ati itura pe awa funrara wa lati fa aṣọ ati ya awọn aworan. Ma ṣe lag!

Four Steps. 1. Find yourself ❤ 2. Love yourself ❤ 3. Accept yourself ❤ 4. Be yourself ❤

Публикация от Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl)

“My favorite place is inside your hug.” ❤

Публикация от Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl)

“Big ideas have small beginnigs.” ❤

Публикация от Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl)

One question once a week… What are your favorite moments in a day? ❤

Публикация от Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl)

Yoga is creative. It stimulates creativity in your mind, gives inspiration and you really can get new ideas by practicing yoga. Practice shuts out overstimulation and releases space for thoughts. But I think yoga is also a creative practice itself. You can listen to your inner voice and your intuition and let it quide you. Just make asanas that feel good, connect different poses together with your breath in a creative flow. I love it. ❤ And at the end, yoga gives courage to trust yourself. You can’t be very creative if you are scared to step and think outside of the box… Yoga has helped me turn down my inner critic. It brings out my more playful self.? ❤️ Thank you @lifestyleretreats for the beautiful stay. #PassionforLife #TheSantaiUmalas

Публикация от Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl)

In so many moments during the last dew days I’ve stopped and felt gratitude, love, peace, enthusiam and inspiration. A week ago I felt the opposite. Almost for one whole month. What has changed so radically: my level of stress. ❤ I came back in the middle of nature, I got many works with deadlines done and I took a lot of time to practice yoga and meditation, sleeping well and the nutrition for my body. I took time to also be alone and I know I can (if I want to) stay in one place for a while. Mind-body-spirit. They all come together. ❤ I see healthy in a holistic way and for me stress is the most challenging thing to keep positive. When I’m really stressed it’s harder to take care of my other healthy habits. Even if at that time I would need them the most. When I’m not stressed and busy I eat well, do a lot of yoga and meditate, take time to be in the middle of nature and read books, which makes me happy. But the problem is when a stressful period lasts too long, balance disappears and burning out becomes a threat. ❤ I think it’s funny how people many times think that those who are into yoga are so calm. I’m here doing yoga because my head has so much going on all the time. I love yoga, because it makes me happy, it always gives me balance, it makes me more gentle towards myself in life. I’m still learning to practice yoga and meditate also when my mind is the very busy and the most confused, when at first it’s totally impossible to focus on my breath. But I’m getting there, I will learn. ❤

Публикация от Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl)

I think I’ve never told you my story, how I ended up here… So today I want to tell you something about my studying. How school isn’t the only way. Passion, believing in yourself and hard work can take you there. This is my life, not anyone elses, I remember thinking when I made the decision that wasn’t the most usual when I was 22 years old… ❤️ I have noticed that many people nowadays are very lost about what they want to be and who they are. I was there, that’s also very ok. There are so many choices, but also so many expectations. I was so lost about what I wanted to do for my profession and what to study… that it made me almost sick. I felt that I’m not good enough in anything, not one particular thing where I would be extra talented or extra interested in. But I knew that inside me there is a lot of energy if I just find the correct way to channel it. ❤️ You may be surprised that I have never studied anything that I directly need for my work nowadays. Not photographing, not nutrition, holistic wellbeing, fashion or writing. Not teaching yoga, not marketing or anything else commercial… At least not at school or courses. By myself, yes. A lot, very much by myself. ❤️ What have I studied then? I’m 27, so yes I have been in university and other schools. I’ve studied the following three: industrial designing, philosophy and sociology. Actually I have always been ”the school girl”. The one who got excellent grades, and who thought studying is very important. It is, I still think that. But you can study things by yourself. Being curious and interested in learning is the most important thing. I liked my studies but they weren’t my thing. ❤️ I’m happy that I had a courage to stop and left a lot of hard work behind (which of course wasn’t for nothing) and followed my heart. Because I’ve been living my dream and working with my passion for several years now. It was just a different path. And yes, many doubted me for sure. But when I realized this thought, it changed my life forever: You can be anything!❤ So I want to say this to you: Really, don’t let your past determine your future. You can be what you want, what makes you happy!

Публикация от Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl)

We all have some bad habits. I leave things after me and I’m quick to make a mess! I never take completely free days off from work. I answer to private facebook messages usually very late. I schedule too many things for a single day because I think that different tasks take shorter than they actually do. And when I’m stressed, I repeat and say my to-do list out loud instead of taking the time to write it down. Another bad habit is that I take just bites from cookies, cakes, bread, cheese etc. and leave the rest in the package. Not very nice for the one who goes after them next.? ❤ Many bad habits aren’t maybe so bad that we would see reason to change them. It takes a lot of patience and effort to change habits! We know what we should do to correct them but where can we find the motivation? ❤️ Now after our trip in Bali, I have so much energy that I want to try and get rid off my bad habits. A rest period makes wonders!? ❤ What is your bad habit!? ❤ Thank you @wapadiume for the relaxing stay. #bali #ubud

Публикация от Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl)

My yoga… is not perfect. People keep asking me all the time how much do I practice and how to find time and motivation to do yoga daily, how do I practice etc.. ❤ I don’t take yoga or my practice too seriously, I listen to my body and base my practice on that. Some days I do yoga 15 minutes, some a few hours… My practice is always a bit different. I don’t like strict rules and I don’t give myself pressure about yoga. If there is a day or two when I don’t practice yoga, I don’t stress about it. I know I will be back to my routines very soon. ❤ Yoga can be different for everyone, I found my style and I love it. Because I like it so much it’s quite easy to prioritize even if I have a busy schedule. And the more you do it, the more it becomes a routine that you don’t even have to think about. Like taking a shower… ❤ My practice is my practice, flexible, imperfect, lovely and useful in so many ways. It’s my time. ❤️

Публикация от Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl)

Ka tun:

Ṣaaju ati lẹhin. Bi o ṣe le tan ara ẹni-ara lati awọn gyms ati awọn yara titiipa

# Instagramdnya: awọn ilẹ ti o nireti

Awọn ọkunrin ti o lẹwa julọ julọ Instagram julọ

Ka siwaju