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Onestament, meta tkun ix-xita fit-toroq, u fl-uffiċċju editorjali - Maltempata, irridu nibdlu x-xogħol fuq xi ħaġa bħal dik. Għall-ġurnata kollha, pulit jistabbilixxu t-tadam u qamħ fuq l-isfond, li jfittxu kompożizzjoni ideali. Skiet! Mingħajr kelma waħda. Sadanittant, anke jammiraw.

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#noix #bleu #fruit #food #foodart #PasCommeLesAutres

A photo posted by La Nouvelle Epicerie (@lanouvelleep) on


#Repost @wrightkitchen ・・・ Purple//Purple #violet #food #foodart #PasCommeLesAutres

A photo posted by La Nouvelle Epicerie (@lanouvelleep) on


#Repost @dan_cretu ・・・ #colors #peppers #dancretu #piment #peinture #food #foodart #PasCommeLesAutres

A photo posted by La Nouvelle Epicerie (@lanouvelleep) on

Dried corn #foodgradients, grown and dried on @oxbow_farm.

A photo posted by Brittany Wright (@wrightkitchen) on

Rainbow chard #foodgradients

A photo posted by Brittany Wright (@wrightkitchen) on

Thai chili #foodgradients

A photo posted by Brittany Wright (@wrightkitchen) on

I hung out with all the colors today. #foodgradients

A photo posted by Brittany Wright (@wrightkitchen) on

It was that bright green color that pulled me into these prickly pear this time. #foodgradients

A photo posted by Brittany Wright (@wrightkitchen) on

Persimmon #foodgradients

A photo posted by Brittany Wright (@wrightkitchen) on


You can always count on Thai chilies for some beautiful colors. #foodgradients

A photo posted by Brittany Wright (@wrightkitchen) on

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