Instagram-ийн тод намрын сонголт: Хүнсний ногоо байж болохгүй, жимс байгаарай!


Шударга, гудамжинд бороо ороход, Редакторын алба - шуурга, бид энэ ажлыг иймэрхүү зүйл өөрчлөхийг хүсч байна. Бүх өдрийн турш улаан лооль, эрдэнэ шишийн ар араасаа цэвэрхэн, эрдэнэ шишийг ар араасаа хэвтэж, хамгийн тохиромжтой найрлага хайж байна. Чимээгүй! Нэг үггүй. Энэ хооронд биш, ч биширдэг. HTTPS: // https.ce:

#noix #bleu #fruit #food #foodart #PasCommeLesAutres

A photo posted by La Nouvelle Epicerie (@lanouvelleep) on

#Repost @wrightkitchen ・・・ Purple//Purple #violet #food #foodart #PasCommeLesAutres

A photo posted by La Nouvelle Epicerie (@lanouvelleep) on

#Repost @dan_cretu ・・・ #colors #peppers #dancretu #piment #peinture #food #foodart #PasCommeLesAutres

A photo posted by La Nouvelle Epicerie (@lanouvelleep) on

Dried corn #foodgradients, grown and dried on @oxbow_farm.

A photo posted by Brittany Wright (@wrightkitchen) on

Rainbow chard #foodgradients

A photo posted by Brittany Wright (@wrightkitchen) on

Thai chili #foodgradients

A photo posted by Brittany Wright (@wrightkitchen) on

I hung out with all the colors today. #foodgradients

A photo posted by Brittany Wright (@wrightkitchen) on

It was that bright green color that pulled me into these prickly pear this time. #foodgradients

A photo posted by Brittany Wright (@wrightkitchen) on

Persimmon #foodgradients

A photo posted by Brittany Wright (@wrightkitchen) on

You can always count on Thai chilies for some beautiful colors. #foodgradients

A photo posted by Brittany Wright (@wrightkitchen) on

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