InstagramDnya: švedų pilotas Maria Peterson skrenda ir pašalina


Švedija Maria Petersonas atvyko į komercinius orlaivius per 25 metus ir pradėjo fotografuoti darbo dienomis ir jo privatumą, kuriame daug laiko, grožio moka joga. Idealus gyvenimas - kelionės ir mėgstamos pratimai. Dabar Maria yra 32 metai ir ji turi daugiau nei 200 tūkstančių abonentų. Mes taip pat žavėjome.

Teamwork makes the dream work Days are better spent when you’re a great team, had a blast on my day 5 in Stansted, thanks @dave_trinity

Фото опубликовано Maria (@pilotmaria)

Today I woke up with that whole purpose driven princess warrior save the world kind of vibe, go get em tiger

Фото опубликовано Maria (@pilotmaria)

Attitude mood on Who am I kidding, I could never be moody or angry I’m just “posing” for the camera See you tomorrow office

Фото опубликовано Maria (@pilotmaria)

This is why we fly ❤

Фото опубликовано Maria (@pilotmaria)

The most difficult thing in flightdeck, getting that seat position right One from the archives, I’m back in the air again tomorrow after four days off, is it OK to miss work from time to time?

Фото опубликовано Maria (@pilotmaria)

These kind of days at work when you go home with pain in the stomach after all laughter. Happy crew, happy flight ❤️

Фото опубликовано Maria (@pilotmaria)

It’s Saturday, rise and shine I hope you’re all having a great weekend. What’s your Saturday night plans? Mine is sleep after a very long day with delays

Фото опубликовано Maria (@pilotmaria)

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