10 nke akaụntụ Instagram ndị kachasị amasị Instagram nke izu. Ha ga-emechi teepu gị!


Pusi, nwamba, nri ụtụtụ mmadụ, pusi, groovored, pusi, ọdịda anyanwụ. Oge eruola iji kpochapụ teepu nke Wordgargam nwere ihe na-enye ume ọhụrụ. Persies, onye uwe ojii bara ụba, ndị uwe ojii na-egosipụta na mgbidi na-asụ - Pics.RU adịghị enye ndụmọdụ ọjọọ.

Nri dị iche iche na efere gị

hot dog #igers #instagramhub #iphonesia

Фото опубликовано Brock Davis (@brockdavis)

Ihe okike site na Brock Davis na Rsushing. Eleghị anya, n'oge ọ bụ nwata, a na-ejikwa nri na nri, ma ugbu a na-egwu brok maka afọ niile ndị a niile, na-enwe nrụnye na ihe ọ bụla ga-abụ na efere.

Obere oghere taa

We here at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center like to think when you smile the galaxy smiles back at you. Hubble has proved that for us! In the center of this image, taken with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, is the galaxy cluster SDSS J1038+4849 — and it seems to be smiling. You can make out its two orange eyes and white button nose. In the case of this “happy face”, the two eyes are very bright galaxies and the misleading smile lines are actually arcs caused by an effect known as strong gravitational lensing. Galaxy clusters are the most massive structures in the Universe and exert such a powerful gravitational pull that they warp the spacetime around them and act as cosmic lenses which can magnify, distort and bend the light behind them. This phenomenon, crucial to many of Hubble’s discoveries, can be explained by Einstein’s theory of general relativity. In this special case of gravitational lensing, a ring — known as an Einstein Ring — is produced from this bending of light, a consequence of the exact and symmetrical alignment of the source, lens and observer and resulting in the ring-like structure we see here. Hubble has provided astronomers with the tools to probe these massive galaxies and model their lensing effects, allowing us to peer further into the early Universe than ever before. This object was studied by Hubble’s Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2) and Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) as part of a survey of strong lenses. Image Credit: NASA/ESA #Hubble25 #nasagoddard #Hubble #space #smile #galaxy Фото опубликовано NASA Goddard (@nasagoddard)
Houston, anyị nwere nsogbu. Ọrụ dị iche iche, Accellain ọkụ, a na-ebupụta isi na foto Nebulaes, Supernova na ọkụ ndịda. Ma lee, ekàrà, ị gaghị ekwere ya!

Chicago gangster!

It’s Friday and I’m ready to part-tay!!! #tgif #friday #party #grill #flashbackfriday #fbf

Фото опубликовано Stitch (@stitchbully)

Ebe shelf nke ndị ọrụ na-ere ahịa na-abịarute. Bulldog stuch bụ cosplayer. Ọ dịghị ụbọchị na-enweghị masquerade. Stich agbalilarị ihe onyonyo nke oke ọ bụla nke Marvel, ndị na-ele mickey, Princess Lee, Chicago Gangster na Bob Marley. E nwekwara hipster na cyy-katy perry.

Instagram - igwe oge

Hello, folks! #mscstrts Фото опубликовано #MSCSTRTS (@mscstrts)
Na ndị nwe akaụntụ ahụ, ọ dịghị iche dịka igwe oge na chiiz. Ọ dị mma, na nistal ojii na White City nwere ike ịbụ Moscow 2010!

Ooh, nke a ...

Why so serious? #trafficpost #niceland #sillyfaces

Фото опубликовано Lögreglan á höfuðborgarsvæðinu (@logreglan)

Reykjavik bụ otu n'ime obodo kachasị nchebe n'ụwa, na etu ọ dị, ọ bụrụ na Acelanders a na-alụ na otu enyi ndị ikwu. Ndị uwe ojii n'obodo a, ọ nweghị ihe ọ ga-eme. Ruo ókè ike dị, ị nwere ike ile anya na akaụntụ nke ngalaba ndị uwe ojii mpaghara. Ndị na-eche nche site na ụtụtụ ruo abalị na mpi mmiri, ụgbọ ala shuga, na-anwale na carnival, na -akpata ụmụaka ma gbuo ndị na-eme egwuregwu. Nke a bụ ebe niile.

Tokyo maara otutu ihe banyere ejiji

Kachasị mma Instagram maka Tokyo Street Ejiji. Ndị Japan - ụmụ nwoke esoghị na mbara ala a, o doro anya dịka ụbọchị, n'ezie nke ha na Fujiyim, a kụrụ mas. Ha enweghị ike ịghalata n'okpuru ụwa, enweghị ike n'ezie - ebe anyị na-eji akwa ebe a na uwe, ha na-aga na uwe nke Gothic na-egbu egbu ma emekwala anya. Nwanyị Gaga n'etiti ha ga-eyi ka òké.

Guy nwoke ahụ juru onye ọ bụla anya

Schoolboy Chez Ririck, onye nwe ya na-alaghachi onye nkịtị, na-akwụghachi ya na Instalation ya na Dr. Forlọ ndị isi na ndị isi ndị America niile na-eme ya, na nwoke ọ bụla anaghị eji profaịlụ ọ bụla - mana Ọ dị oke egwu. Otú Ọ Si Eme Ya - O doro anya.

Ihe odide na mgbidi. Ndimara

Фото @paranoid11e #kyiv #киев Фото опубликовано говорящие стены (@wall_can_talk)
A kuziri anyị n'okporo ámá. Akaụntụ bụ ezigbo ọbaakwụkwọ nke nkà ihe ọmụma mgbidi na uri. A na-ahụ n'anya n'okporo ụzọ ọ bụla na-ahụ n'anya ebe a. Agụrụ m, echere m ọtụtụ.

Hụ Mayo?

Andrew Snapp na nkịta ya aha ya bụ Momo hụrụ n'anya igwu egwu ma chọọ. Momo zoro ezo, na foollomier na-achọ ya. A na-ezochi psyche Psyche na foto ọ bụla - na ebe ngosi ihe merema, n'etiti ìgwè mmadụ ahụ, n'etiti ụlọ. Hụ Mayo? Ahụghị m, kama ọ bụ.

Instagram Instagram

“They are identical twins, but their characters are nothing alike,” says graphic designer Akira Oozawa (@sunmoooon). “The older one is cautious and dependent, and the younger one is short-tempered, selfish and breaks everything that comes in her way.” Akira documents his daily life in the Kinki region of Japan with his twin preschool-age daughters, a fifth grade daughter and a third grade son. Although Akira says he’s never seen or felt any “twin telepathy” between the girls, he says their bond is especially tight: “When my son and one of the twins starts fighting, it always ends up turning into a one-on-two.” Akira aims to capture natural, in-the-moment expressions of his family: “I want to continue recording the growth of my kids through photography — whether they like it or not.” Photo by @sunmoooon Фото опубликовано Instagram (@instagram)
Eziokwu ahụ bụ na instagram nwere Instagram, dịtụ ntakịrị na ụbụrụ. Bipụtara na Instagram kachasị mma foto site na Instagram, yana na-akpali ọhụụ Hashtegi ma na-atụ aro ka ihe osise kachasị mma, nke ị ga - eme ka afọ ju foto ndị ọzọ maka Instagram.