# Instagramdnya: Cat Balu en hûn Henry Reizen om 'e wrâld


Cynthia Bennett tegearre mei syn man, naam earst út 'e opfang fan Genry. Henry Hielleze as de hichte en rotsen, sadat de eigners grapke, neamd syn "berchgeit" neamd. Nei in pear moannen nei it uterlik fan Henry besleat it pear dat se in oare húsdier woe. En se begon de Methis fan it Siames ras en neamde de kittenbal. Henry and Ball waard direkt freonen. En dan begon se it heule bedriuw se te reizgjen en te lieden.

Pony rides: the Henry + Baloo version

Публикация от Henry + Baloo (@henrythecoloradodog)

Brotherly love ❤️ • Blanket – @allkupets Their blankets are amazingly soft and they are all hand cut making every one unique

Публикация от Henry + Baloo (@henrythecoloradodog)

Our signature look: The Cat Hat

Публикация от Henry + Baloo (@henrythecoloradodog)

that monday feeling

Публикация от Henry + Baloo (@henrythecoloradodog)

snug as two bugs in a rug.

Публикация от Henry + Baloo (@henrythecoloradodog)

Mornings with my favorite crew, life sure is good

Публикация от Henry + Baloo (@henrythecoloradodog)

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